Benefits of Employee Motivation

 Benefits of Employee Motivation



Undoubtedly, All motivation theories explicit one common fact. Motivation satisfies the needs of individuals as well as the group. Employees need to be motivated to increase their work performance. Once the employer can satisfy their needs, they can enhance productivity (Burton, 2012).

According to Herzberg theory, employees are most satisfied with the work, which is challenging and seem interesting where they will get motivated towards the work. The performance will be poor if the employee is not satisfied and happy. The employee’s motivation enthusiastic, energetic behavior towards task fulfillment plays a key role in the success of an organization (Cheng, 1995).


Improve level of efficiency of the employee

The level of subordinates or an employee does not depend upon their qualifications and abilities. To get the best spirit of the work, the gap between ability and willingness has to be filled (Daschler, 1989).

·         Increase productivity

·         Reducing cost of operation

·         Improving overall operation

This leads to the achievement of organizational goals

If employees can see how their work contributes to achieving organizational goals, they are more likely to see their work particularly salient. Individual and Organization goals may extend beyond boundaries (Perry & Porter, 1982; Perry & Wise, 1990).

·         The best possible utilization of resources

·         Co-operative work environment

·         The whole employees are goal-directed and act in a purposive manner

 Builds friendly relationship

Motivation is an important factor that brings employee satisfaction. The manager needs to ensure that the employee is done the work without any obstacles (Robert, 2005). This could be initiated the following things,

·         Monetary and Non-Monetary incentives

·         Rewards and performance opportunities for employees

In the garment industry, managers can consider the following factors to build a friendly relationship in the working area,

Maintain a clean and dry workplace

Storage room facility

Provide appropriate tools and machines for each department.

This leads to the stability of the workforce

Stability of workforce is essential from the point of view of reputation and goodwill of a concern. Every organization strives to achieve some internal objectives such as sick leave, employee turnover, improved employee productivity, and performance these elements can only be achieved through good and healthy working conditions (Ahmad & Salman, 2015). With the inflation of the current economy, job security is a sense of safety in retaining their current job. On the other hand, it will gain a feeling to the employee that they will be able to sustain in the organization for a long time.


List of References

Ahmad, A. and Salam, S., (2015). Project Managers Effectiveness in the telecom industry of Pakistan. Science International, 27(1).

Burton, K., (2012). A study of motivation: How to get your employees moving. Management.

Chen CC (1995). ‘New Trends in Reward Allocation Preferences: A Sino–US Comparison’, Acad. Manag. J. 38: 408–28.

Perry JL, Porter LW (1982). Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations. Academy of Management Review 7 (1): 89– 98. The call of Public Service. J. L. Perry and A. Hondeghem. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 1-14.

Perry JL, Wise LR (1990). The Motivational Bases of Public Service. Public Administration Review 50 ( 3 ): 367 – 73. Petcharak P (2002). The assessment of motivation in the Saint Paul Hotel employees. Ms. Thesis, UW-Stout. Available at

Roberts RL (2005). The relationship between rewards, recognition, and motivation at an Insurance Company in the Western Cape. Master dissertation, University of the Western Cape. 


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  2. Good explanation. Further, having a motivated workforce has a range of advantages, such as lower levels of absenteeism, retention of workers and improved relations between management and workers, improved worker performance, low levels of staff turnover, improved quality, and improved customer service (Robert, 2005).

    1. Thank you for your comments Dileepa. I agree with your view. Attendance is sustainable performance to complete the required tasks and avoid management conflict and diminished performance (Root, 2016). The organization should track the attendance of employees since absenteeism affects productivity.

  3. Agreed with you Thiloka, Organizational success depends on employees Motivation further, motivation help employees towards achieving goals, gaining positive perspective, improve their development and helping others(Osabiya,2015).

    1. Thank you for your comments Amila. I agree with your view. There is still a lack of workable understanding of different factors work values, job satisfaction, and performance interact with one another term (George & Jones, 1997). The employees expect their job to provide a mix of features that causes preferential values.

  4. You are accurate, Thiloka. Employee motivation is also crucial to the success of a business. It refers to the amount of commitment, drive, and enthusiasm that individuals bring to their employment on a daily basis. Businesses that do not have it suffer from poorer productivity, lower production, and are more likely to miss important deadlines. Employee motivation, on the other hand, is a skill that managers must build and maintain (newman,2015).

    1. Thank you for your comments Isuru. I agree with your view. Organizational performance plays the principal role in attaining such goals. Some believe it is simply how content an individual is with a job, in other words, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets, such as nature of work or supervision. Meeting personal goals help an employee stay motivated and feel about them to continue to produce (Griffiths, 2001).

  5. Hi Thiloka. Nicely written content. Considering the implementation of the theory, Rathankoon et al. (2003) mentions it is not recommended by the scholars to apply the theory strictly same as modeled. Since motivation patterns are different from employee to employee, understanding the actual requirement is significant to increase the job satisfaction.

    1. Thank you for your comments Gihan. I agree with your view. Employees come to work with a set of needs. Those needs influence their behavior at work in significant ways. Organizational scholarship has long theorized some relationships between human needs, which are generally thought to be fundamental and universal, and employee behavior, most notably in the domain of work motivation (Kanfer & Heggestad, 1997).

  6. Motivation is contagious. It is often said that if you are not motivated yourself, you cannot motivate others. There are a number of motivational theories that are essentially complementary. The most prominent theories are those dealing with expectation, goal setting, and justice, which are classified as process or cognitive theories.

    Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2020. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Ravi. I agree with your view. Psychologists, managers, coworkers, teachers, parents, and most people still struggle to understand what motivates people or why they do what they do. There are quite a lot of motivation theories that have been disclosed. But none of them could be applied (Armstrong, 2009).

  7. Adding further, Motivation and retention are two very important strategies of Human resource management, some of the measures that can be adopted are as follows (Kalimullah,M. S.2010).

    Provisions to identify and retain the key employees of the organization.
    Provision for timely and constant training and development programs.
    Provision for a sound communication system.
    Provision for an adequate and fair remuneration system.
    Provision for flexible working hours.
    Provision for more responsibility and autonomy to the employees.
    Provision for Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement.
    Provision for proper grievance handling and building employer-employee relations.
    Hence, by adopting such measures employee retention and motivation can be maintained and enhanced in an organization.

    1. Thank you for your comments Shazna. Agreed with your view. Employees need the necessary skills and the tools materials to do a good job and without these, having highly motivated employees does not necessarily equate with good job performance (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2003).

  8. Well explanation on this topic , Well-motivated people engage in positive discretionary behaviour – they decide to make an effort. Such people may be self-motivated, and as long as this means they are going in the right direction to attain what they are there to achieve, then this is the best form of motivation (Armstrong,2014 )

    1. Thank you for your comments Manoj. The factors that affect individual performance are motivation, ability, and opportunity to participate (Armstrong, 2009). He stated that the link between human resources management and organizational performance has three propositions. HR practices impacts on employee characteristics are engagement, commitment, motivation, and skills. If employees have these characteristics, organizational performance in terms of productivity, quality, and the delivery of a high level of customer service will improve.


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