Effective ways to employee motivation in an Organization

 Effective ways to employee motivation in an Organization


There are two main methods of motivating employees: monetary and non-monetary. Monetary rewards play a critical role in job performance and employee motivation. The financial factors are bonuses, allowances, insurance, incentives, promotions, and job security fall under the category of financial rewards. Based on the employee's achievement, an organization reward employee. It will cause to create energy within the employee but not long-lasting for a shorter period (Eshun & Duah, 2011)


These rewards address more intrinsic motivational aspects. Creating a comfortable workplace through all these means is helpful to make employees committed to the work honestly. According to Thomas (2009), intrinsic rewards recently spread in companies with the management commitment, contribution, and support that enable the employees to engage in the work with positive thinking and mentality. Those non-financial rewards reinforce the self-motivation of individuals while implementing such a system to create positive feelings and distinctive experiences for its staff members.


Motivation by Achievement

Achievement is one of the most significant factors to the success of human life. The behavior of the achievement differs from one goal to another (Singh, 2011).

Achievement in the workplace directly relates to the pride and the sense of accomplishment employees feel about their work. Managers who notice a decline in achievement must take proactive steps to implement strategies to increase motivation and morale. If managers and the HR professionals neglect the results of the employee, will be dissatisfied and it will cause productivity and employee turnover.


Motivation achieved by Responsibility 

(Drake et al., 2007) stated giving more responsibilities to the employees is a way to increase employee motivation. Kaplan and Norton. An employee who feels that they have more authority increase their motivational level which, will cause them to enhance their skills according to the job. Some organizations may offer the responsibility to the employee when some organizations offer the best job role to their employee but without authority.


Motivation achieved by Influence

The management encourages their employee to improve the current business processes and activities. Active participation of employees in the organizational decision-making process leads to an increase in the motivation of the employees. The employee feels that they are part of the organization, and their input will be high (Landrum 2015).

Motivation achieved by Personal growth

The employee can motivate by providing and facilitating skill development and career development. The managers set a plan for the growth of the organization essential to plan the growth of the employee (Seltzer, 2010). 

Motivation achieved by financial rewards

There are many financial rewards annual bonuses, commissions, and incentives. The financial rewarding is the most complex scenario.  The motivation is executed through a financial reward system, the employees become high productivity. When they lose something or get some extra benefit on their activities (Attridge, 2009).


List of references

Attridge.M. (2009). Measuring and managing employee work engagement: a review of the research and business literature. Journal of workplace behavioral health. 24, 383- 398.


Drake, A. R., Wong, J., & Salter, S. B. (2007). Empowerment, Motivation, and Performance: Examining the Impact of Feedback and Incentives on Nonmanagement Employees. BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING, 71–89.


Eshun, C., & Duah, F. (2011). Rewards as a Motivation Tool for Employee Performance. School of Management.

Landrum, S. 2015. What truly motivates employees? Accessed 3.9.2017. https://talentculture.com/what-truly-motivates-employees.


Seltzer.J.A.(2010). Salaries and promotion opportunities in the English banking industry, 1890-1936. Journal of business history. 52(5), 737-759.


Singh, K. (2011). Study of Achievement Motivation in Relation to Academic Achievement of Students. International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration, 16-171.


Thomas, K.W. (2009). Intrinsic Motivation at Work, 2nd ed., Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, CA. 80. Vansteenkiste, M


  1. hi thiloka, agree with you, adding to your points, employee commitment and job involvement is high when they keep motivated, also more productive and always rewarding to businesses. Specially like money and recognition, its necessary that employee motivation to handle a huge work load.(Denton,1987).

    1. Thank you for your comments, Dineth. Job satisfaction is focused primarily on its impact on employee commitment, absenteeism, intentions to quit, and actual turnover (Agho, Mueller & Price, 1993).

  2. Hi Thiloka. Agree with your comments. Make your work place a happy place to be. Keep a positive attitude yourself and finds ways to maintain good energy and positive vibes. Good - spirited competitions, welcome breaks in routine, and structured social interaction are all effective ways to motivate employees and make them feel they belong (Simplilearn,2021).

    1. Thank you for your comments, Upeksha. The practice of motivating is based on the theory of self-determination. All human beings possess an innate ability to be autonomous, self-determined, and interconnected. When this synergy is achieved, people achieve higher productivity (Pink, 2009).

  3. Well, Thiloka and also, adding to that extrinsic awards are still frequently used in many organizations for a variety of initiatives and performance, according to Kutza (2000), despite their effects on employee involvement in areas such as personal well-being can be short-lived for most people.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Isuru. The practice of Herzberg's two-factor theory posits that extrinsic or hygiene factors such as working conditions, company policies, and administration, pay/financial benefits, and interpersonal relationships with supervisors and employees do not motivate but prevent dissatisfaction and pain (Lindner, 1998).

  4. Hi, I agree with you. When employees feel that they are participating in management decisions, employees tend to be loyal to the enterprise. When employees are motivated, skills and efficiency will help both employer and employee

    1. Thank you for your comments, Sarangi. Once pay exceeds subsistence level, intrinsic factors are stronger motivators, and staff motivation requires intrinsic rewards such as satisfaction at a good job and a sense of doing something worthwhile (Frey, 1997).

  5. Agreed. Employees want a fair wage and recompense for their job, and they want to believe that is what they are getting. Money is the most powerful enticement; no other incentive or motivating strategy comes close to it in terms of its persuasive power (Sare et al., 2004).

  6. Hi,Agreed with your opinion.Organizations today have realized the importance of motivated and satisfied employees as important contributors towards long term objectives. It has made organizations to cater to the expectations and needs of the employees and could expect the similar response. Motivation also positively influences performance at individual and group level ultimately affecting the organizational performance (Risambessy et al 2012).

    1. Thank you for your comments. Other several factors that affect job performance are experience, salary, education, working conditions, and job satisfaction on performance (Kahya, 2007). On the other hand, highly educated and qualified employees showed dissatisfaction against work conditions and thus affected their performance negatively.

  7. Hi Thiloka. Nicely written content. According to Pink (2009) there are three steps that managers can apply in order to improve employee motivation namely, Autonomy that encourages employees to set their own schedules and focus on the way the work is done or getting work done, Mastery that helps the employees to identify the steps they can take to improve the progress of work, and Purpose that allows explaining when giving instructions about why and how.

  8. Hi Thiloka, Agreed with you, motivation is by implication something done by one person or group to another. A further implication of this usage is that the motivated parties need to be induced to perform some action or expend a degree of effort which they would not otherwise wish to do, Vinay, C. G. 2014).

    1. Thank you for your comments, Janaka. Employers need to put in place good strategies and the resources that employees will embrace to be committed to their job and makes their job look like a hobby to them (Schuler, 1998).

  9. It is believed that that position or title that the employee holds motivates her/him to carry out the task assigned to him (Omar 2010). People move to other companies that offer them higher levels, and most importantly, the attractiveness of the job title. The title represents the level of income and respect in the organization.

    Omar, M.W., Jusoff, K. and Hussin, H., 2010. Employee motivation and its impact on employee loyalty. World Applied Sciences Journal, 8(7), pp.871-873.

  10. Hi Thiloka, Performance reviews are one of the most common tools used by businesses and management to measure employee success, with approximately 91 percent of organizations embracing some formal review process. In theory, these reviews allow management to indicate how well an employee is meeting expectations, progressing toward their goals, and contributing to the company’s success, all in an attempt to improve engagement and motivate the employee to perform better. (Risambessy et al 2012).


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