Influence of employee motivation on the quality of production

 Influence of employee motivation on the quality of production


Motivation is a set of processes concerned with the workforce that energizes the behavior and directs it towards achieving someone's goal (Baron, 1983). In the organizational aspects, Motivation plays a vital role in ensuring organizational success.  According to Armstrong 2007, motivated employers become more proactive and believe that they can accomplish the objective.


The managers need to understand what actions exactly encourage their employees to motivate (Burton, 2012). Motivational factors differ from person to person, and it is essential to know how they are motivated to realize organizational goals (Rabideau, 2005). An organizations performance and developments


I work for a leading garment factory we are committed to sustainability. They are the remarkable transformation in the apparel industry by producing innovative products to meet consumers’ lifestyles.


Recruit the right people right time in the right team

It is not an easy task and one of the critical processes. Employees are individuals that have different levels of education with experience. Family classes also differ from person to person. The garment factories are often facing a lack of machine operators. Simultaneously, it applies to each department's cutting, sewing, and quality managers who strive to find well-experienced and correct people for these jobs.


Give real responsibility

Managers should deploy the responsibility to the subordinates and team leaders to handle the work and take full responsibility to achieve the goal.


Seek input from the non-team members

Our team modules are working as teams. Develop their ability the other team member’s support and ideas must be greatly appreciated.


Encourage initiative and vetting

A manager should take the initiative and encourage the employee to get it through success.


Recognition and Appreciation

Recognition for work done is an internal form of motivation and it provides an individual a sense of direction. Appreciation for a good job done and good work these statements are really motivated employees. With this moral, they tend to do the job more than the organization expected.


Deliver a good quality product

The outcome of the whole process is to deliver a good quality product to the end customer. The management needs to motivate workers properly since it is essential to delivering a successful product. 


List of references


Baron RA (1983). Behaviour in organizations. New York: Allyn & Bacon, Inc.

Burton, K., (2012). A study of motivation: How to get your employees moving. Management.

Rabideau, S. (2005). Effects of Achievement Motivation on Behavior. Retrieved May 10, 2017, from 


  1. Hi , I too believe that it is important to have motivation to produce quality goods. Intrinsic motivation is an ‘individual’s excitement about their work activities and their interest in completing these activities’ (Coelho and Augusto, 2010)

    1. Thanks Surangi. Thanks, Sarangi. I too agree with the comment. Task identity provides meaningfulness and increases the intrinsic motivation of employees and consequently their willingness to innovate (Hartmann, 2006).

  2. Hi Theloka, As this section covers a wide range of information, would like to add some points in intrinsic factors that influence according to (Kalimullah et al, 2010). Monetary Compensation/ Salaries, Leadership, Job Enrichment, Information Availability and Communication, Work Environment (Yazdani et al 2011)., Good Managerial Relations, Promotion Opportunities (Turkyilmaz et al, 2011), Work Group, Co-Workers and Nature of Job will be influence the employee motivation where Recognition and Employee Motivation, Skill Variety (Jackson, 2011). ,Trust, Fairness of Treatment, Fairness of Treatment, Training and Development (Kabir, 2011). also influence Intrinsic Factors as well.

    1. Hi Deshani, I do agree with your valuable comments and thank you. Both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards motivate the employee resulted in higher quality products (Reio and Callahon, 2004)

  3. Adding more to your points, the term "motivation" is used to describe the difference between people who have the same talents, abilities, and opportunities to execute their jobs in a similar organization, and who work under the same conditions and have access to the same resources but perform differently. Employees with high work motivation strive for more advancement, and because they are always looking for new ways to carry out their duties and obligations, they will be promoted more quickly (Sandhu, 2017).

  4. )Hi Thiloka,
    Very well said, adding to that All organizations are concerned with what should bedone to achieve sustained high levels of performance throughpeople. Consequently, the subject of adequate incentives forworkers, as derived from the so many attempts made bymanagement practitioners, is to look for the best way tomanage to accomplish an objective or mission with the leastinputs of materials and human resources available (Allen 2009)

  5. Hi Thiloka, agreed and adding to that enhancing levels of motivation an enabling employees to monitor their own performance and understand what needs to be done to improve their overall level of performance (Beardwell & Thompson, 2017).

  6. HI Thiloka, Agreed with you and adding to that, Most employees need motivation to feel good about their jobs and perform optimally. Some employees are money motivated while others find recognition and rewards personally motivating. Motivation levels within the workplace have a direct impact on employee productivity. Workers who are motivated and excited about their jobs carry out their responsibilities to the best of their ability and production numbers increase as a result, Vinay, C.G., 2014).

  7. Hi Thiloka, interesting thoughts. Just to add to your definition of motivation, Arnold et al (1991) states that there are three components to motivation, namely; direction, effort and persistence.

  8. Hi Thiloka, Very thoughtful, adding to that The activity of performance of doing something fruitfully by knowledge as famous from simply possessing it. A performance Comprises an event in which normally one group of people the performer or Performers act in a particular way for another group of people. (Allyn & Bacon 2007)

  9. Hi Thiloka , agreed with your points it is vital to motivate employees to get quality product which will help to achieve organizational goals. Well-motivated people engage in positive discre tionary behaviour – they decide to make an effort. Such people may be self-motivated, and as long as
    this means they are going in the right direction to attain what they are there to achieve, then this is the best form of motivation ( Armstrong,2014)


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