
Influence of employee motivation on the quality of production

  Influence of employee motivation on the quality of production   Motivation is a set of processes concerned with the workforce that energizes the behavior and directs it towards achieving someone's goal (Baron, 1983). In the organizational aspects, Motivation plays a vital role in ensuring organizational success.  According to Armstrong 2007, motivated employers become more proactive and believe that they can accomplish the objective.   The managers need to understand what actions exactly encourage their employees to motivate (Burton, 2012) . Motivational factors differ from person to person, and it is essential to know how they are motivated to realize organizational goals (Rabideau, 2005). An organizations performance and developments   I work for a leading garment factory we are committed to sustainability. They are the remarkable transformation in the apparel industry by producing innovative products to meet consumers’ lifestyles.   ...

Benefits of Employee Motivation

  Benefits of Employee Motivation     Undoubtedly, All motivation theories explicit one common fact. Motivation satisfies the needs of individuals as well as the group. Employees need to be motivated to increase their work performance. Once the employer can satisfy their needs, they can enhance productivity ( Burton, 2012) . According to Herzberg theory , employees are most satisfied with the work, which is challenging and seem interesting where they will get motivated towards the work. The performance will be poor if the employee is not satisfied and happy. The employee’s motivation enthusiastic, energetic behavior towards task fulfillment plays a key role in the success of an organization (Cheng, 1995).   Improve level of efficiency of the employee The level of subordinates or an employee does not depend upon their qualifications and abilities. To get the best spirit of the work, the gap between ability and willingness has to be filled ( Daschler, ...

Effective ways to employee motivation in an Organization

  Effective ways to employee motivation in an Organization   There are two main methods of motivating employees: monetary and non-monetary. Monetary rewards play a critical role in job performance and employee motivation. The financial factors are bonuses, allowances, insurance, incentives, promotions, and job security fall under the category of financial rewards. Based on the employee's achievement, an organization reward employee. It will cause to create energy within the employee but not long-lasting for a shorter period (Eshun & Duah, 2011)   These rewards address more intrinsic motivational aspects. Creating a comfortable workplace through all these means is helpful to make employees committed to the work honestly. According to Thomas (2009), intrinsic rewards recently spread in companies with the management commitment, contribution, and support that enable the employees to engage in the work with positive thinking and mentality. Those non-financial rewar...

Herzberg – Two factor theory

  Herzberg – Two-factor theory   Herzberg defined two sets of factors in deciding employees working attitudes and level of performance, named Motivation & Hygiene Factors (Robbins, 2009).   Figure 1.3 Herzberg’s Hygiene and Motivational Factors ( Source: Herzberg 1987)   The two-factor theory introduced more points to measure how individuals are motivated in the workplace. The two factors mainly described that the lower-level needs of individuals would not motivate them but prevent them from being dissatisfied. To motivate employees. Organizations should focus on supplying motivation factors (Robbins, 2009).   Responses about good feelings are generally related to job content motivators, whereas responses about bad feelings are associated with hygiene factors. Motivational factors are achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement. Hygiene factors are extrinsic to the job, such as interpersonal relationships, salary, supervisio...

McClelland’s Need Theory

  McClelland’s Need Theory   McClelland’s Need Theory attempts to explain how the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation affect human motivation and the actions of the people. McClelland's theory is primarily concerns that some people are driven success through seeking “personal achievement rather than reward themselves (Saif et al., 2012, p.1387). McClelland's theory can help to identify the dominant motivators of people in the team of the organization ( A. D2, 2013) . An organization can use this information to influence how the team set goals and provide feedback and reward team members. There are instances when the manager sets a target for the team, one of the team members always takes the charge of the group (Kidwell, 2011) . The team member is likely primarily driven by power. HR professionals might face another team member who never speaks during the meeting. They always agree with the group's decision and work hard to avoid conflicts. This person i...

Alderfer ERG Theory

  Alderfer –ERG Theory   According to Clayton Alderfer’s theory, suggested that needs could be classified into three categories. These three types of needs are existence, relatedness, and growth.   Existence Needs : These needs are similar to Maslow’s physiological needs and safety needs category. Safety needs mainly refer to prevention from fear, threat, danger, and tension when physiological needs refer to sleep and exercise. (Hwang, 2011)   Relatedness Needs : It has a comparable aspect of Maslow’s Belongingness and esteem needs. This need comprises security, belonging, and respect. The security pertaining to a mutual trust of humanity. The belonging pertaining to all forms of suffering such as loneliness, isolation, and distance. This relates to interpersonal relationships. Respect simply means feeling respect from others.   (Hwang, 2011)   Growth Needs : This need involves self-esteem and self-actualization. This is related to th...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  Motivation Theory Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow is a good starting point to start examining the different motivation theories   (Haque et al., 2014, 63). The philosophy of the model was that there are five levels of needs for humans and each level needed to be fulfilled before someone could be motivated by a higher level of needs (Ganta 2014) . Figure 1 is a graphical example of Maslow's Model Maslow used the terms Physiological, Safety, Belongingness,, and Love, Esteem, Self-Actualization, and Self Transcendence needs to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through. Figure: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs   The pyramid begins from bottom to top. At the bottom of the pyramid are our physiological needs suchas food, water, sleep, and warmth. The safety calls next that include comfort, security, and stability.Moving up the pyramid, we come to social needs, such as a sense of belonging, friendship. Esteem needs include a positive self...